
What is Coaching?

Coaching is a relationship in which two or more people work together in an ongoing, supportive collaboration that move the individual closer to their goals. Coaching is about many things. However, principally it is about change. It is about developing emotional intelligence and conscious awareness. Coaches help individuals set and achieve desired goals.

Coaches utilize questions and assessment tools to help individuals become more effective. The role of a coach is that of a strategic business partner. The coaching relationship is built on trust. The coach supports the client without judgment.

What Coaching is Not!

Coaching is not therapy or counseling. Coaching is not appropriate for the following:

  • People with dependencies such as drugs and alcohol
  • Therapy for people who have suffered abuse
  • A shoulder to cry on
  • People who are abusing others
  • People who are experiencing mental illness

Therapists and counselors deal with events that have happened in the past. Coaching is specifically about the present and the future. A coach is not qualified to deal with any past emotional trauma or turmoil that is preventing the individual from moving forward.

Mentoring is not coaching. A mentor shares personal experiences and often gives advice.

Who needs a Coach?

There are times in life when most everyone has a need for a coach. Leadership coaching is right for Individuals who are open-minded, committed to growth and ready to take action to do the inner and outer work necessary to achieve improved results. If you are in a leadership position or aspire to be in one or have an entrepreneur mindset you will be a good fit our TGOROW coaching structure.

How does Coaching Work?

To ensure long lasting results, the minimum coaching arrangement is 12 weeks. At the initial consultation it will be established whether:

  • Meetings will be weekly or bi-monthly
  • The length of each session. Usually between one to two hours.
  • In person or virtual sessions (via Phone or Skype)
  • Individuals are given assignments to complete between sessions.

*Contact Glenda for more information.

Two Coaching Options

Option 1 – Individual Coaching

Dedicated and focused time with a coach to help you to discover what is holding you back and work through your individual career challenges. Private one on one coaching can expand your self -awareness and help you to overcome those internal and external barriers that prevent us from achieving the successful career we desire.

Option 2 – Group Coaching – 6 or more individuals

You and other like minded individuals experience the coaching relationship together. During these sessions participants support, encourage and share experiences with each other.

Please refer to the Services tab – Master Mind Group Sessions for the available curriculum options. The curriculum is designed to be broad enough to meet the needs of both you and the other group members. Upon request, a specialized curriculum may be created for the group.

Please complete the Coaching Consultation Request if you believe coaching may be right for you. If it is, we will start your initial consultation right away.